So you’re bringing a new friend home. That’s always fantastic news. Perhaps you’re new to the whole experience and don’t want to make a huge mistake, or it’s just been awhile since you’ve had a new dog. Whatever your situation is, these tips are you going to help you sort things out. With these tips for making your home a home for your dog too, you’ll have your home ready to welcome your furry new friend in no time at all.

What to know before you get thembounce2

If you’ve never had a dog before, then there’s plenty you should be prepared for. Too many people have the wrong expectation or no expectation at all and underestimate the change a new family member brings to their lives. Indeed, this one, in particular, will take up a lot of your time and money. They need the effort of house training. They become a long-term expense regarding keeping them and their pet insurance. Of course, it is all worth it. They’re not called ‘man’s best friend’ for nothing.

Keep them entertained

Dogs need stimulation. A lot of it will come from walkies, which you should take them on twice a day depending on breeds. They also need toys to let off some steam. You should get them toys they can tear into, or get some noise out of. More importantly, you should take the time to play with them. A dog will lose interest in a toy unless you show the interest in playing with it too.

DSC_0183-1sKeep them safe

There are all kinds of ways you should be making sure your dogs are safe from the dangers of the world. Stop them from running by investing in a dog fence where they can spend their days while you’re not with them. Make sure you get them treated for ticks and fleas often so they’re less likely to get sick, too.

Keep them comfy10502490_10203380891913551_2977582370727184239_n

Dogs need a nice, comfortable place just as much as we do. Get them the right kind of bed for them. Indeed, dogs have different preferences depending on how they’re prone to lie. Find out what type of bed is most comfortable for them and make bedtime something to look forward to.

Puppy-proof your home

As well as external dangers, there are plenty of risks to dogs inside the home, too. Take care to make sure your home is a safe new environment for a new dog. Add childproof latches to cabinets. Keep dangerous ingestible things and food in general in high places they can’t reach. Be more thorough than your vacuum when cleaning since they’re likely to get their little paws in spaces you might not reach.


ashsmileThis will undoubtedly be their second favourite word after walkies. Get in the practice of giving your dog treats at the end of the day. Based on their diet, breed and needs there are lots of different kinds of treats to choose from. Many have benefits for their teeth or other elements, too. Find out what treats will do best for your dog and give them something to be excited about.

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