Is your dog struggling with the current heat wave going on in Maidstone?

No problem with our easy 3 ingredient doggy safe ice cream recipe.

We currently have a glut of fabulously juicy black berries on the field we rent for play time so I’ve used a cup of those BUT peanut butter (check it’s free of Xylitol and sugar) or banana works easily well.

Simply mash 1 cup of your chosen fruit with 1 cup of yoghurt and a teaspoon of honey together in a bowl. Remember you want it to freeze so mash it well!

In my recipe I add sprigs of wild mint I find when walking but you don’t have to.

Once you have your yummy mix add to an ice cube tray or spread thinly in a freeze proof bowl. Leave for 4 hours and let your puppy enjoy some yummy doggy ice cream.

Don’t forget to take it out of his daily calories and remember some dogs can react to cows milk so you may want to use goats milk yoghurt.

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