DSC_0144sEvery year, people accept dogs into their homes. And every year, animal protection agencies find puppies and dogs abandoned. We’re warned that dogs aren’t just for Christmas, but it seems that people still aren’t taking note of this. It seems that one of the reasons dogs are often abandoned is the cost of keeping a pet. So if you are thinking about purchasing a dog, you need to think of some of the costs that will be involved. That way, you won’t be surprised when the bills start coming in, and you won’t think twice about your commitment.

Medical Bills

You need to think of your new pet as a little life you’re bringing into the family. With that in mind, you are going to have to arrange medical care for your animal. Medical care for pets can be expensive, and that’s why some people arrange pet insurance. Using pet insurance, you can cut the cost of more expensive procedures your dog might need. You can’t rule out the possibility that your dog might need surgery at some point in the future. High breed dogs are often susceptible to types of surgery. For instance, labs often develop problems with their legs.

You also need to think about the medical costs you’ll be paying on a regular basis. These typically can be paid outside the insurance as they are not as expensive. But they will add up. For example, your dog will need regular injections and flea treatment. Without this, you should expect pests to enter your home.

Destroyed Homespoppyandpals home page1

In the early days and months of owning your pet, you might find they destroy parts of your home. This includes gnawing on wooden door frames or furniture. Puppies will often do this when they are teething, and you should be aware teething is painful for dogs. To help them with this and stop your home from being destroyed you may want to purchase the new best tough dog toy. This will help as they can chew it rather than your home. Though you should still expect some damage to occur that you will undoubtedly need to pay for! Luckily with thorough training and patience, dogs pass through this difficult stage quite quickly.

Other Purchases
Again, think of your dog like another life with lots of needs. They need toys, we’ve already mentioned this. But they also need a place to sleep, a lead, a collar and maybe some home comforts. You’ll have to take these type of costs into consideration when thinking about getting a dog for your family.


Finally, there’s the food. For bigger dogs, you should expect to pay as much as one hundred on food each month. Even smaller breeds like Labradors eat a mountain of food. In fact, many dogs will keep eating until you tell them to stop, especially in the early years. You have to be careful of overfeeding. This will benefit both your dog’s health and your finances.

If you have taken all these costs into account,you are ready for the financial commitment of owning a dog.

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