10502490_10203380891913551_2977582370727184239_nWhat really happens during overnight sitting…

We have all read ‘those’ stories in the paper… babysitter, carer, dog walker caught stealing from their client.  So let’s discuss what actually happens when I (yes I because unless in certain circumstances you will always get Mazzie, boss at Poppy and Pals) turn up to start overnights.

1) I will obsessively go through your cupboards… I am not looking for your medicine cabinet,  for the embarrassing photos of you in nappies or for your families best silver. I am looking for tea; I drink gallons of the stuff and if you don’t leave me any I will have a panic attack and have to rush out to a shop.

2) I will then check your plugs… It is a massive worry for me when YOU go on holiday and leave chargers plugged in with no appliance attached.  Oh yep, I will turn those bad boys off and unplug them.  The last thing any of us needs is a fire.

3) Please don’t forget I am only human, and I work hard with very few days off.  So I do expect you to understand I may sleep in late on a weekend, I may leave crusts on a plate to deal with in the evening (away from Rover of course), but I am always respectful of your home and your property.

4) Cameras.  Got one?  TELL ME.  It is written in our contract that we need to know if you have cameras, and I will be truly honest if I find a video of myself dancing in my pants on youtube I will sue you!


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