Professional dog walkers in Maidstone

What does a professional dog walker in Maidstone does and what they don’t! What a blog post to set myself to write but I think it’s time. I am not an industry leader, far from it but I am a stubborn old moo with very specific ideas and opinions about pretty much everything!  I have been…

SHOWHAS Pet Water Bottle

SHOWHAS Silicone Pet Water Bottle Review

I don’t usually review things for this blog but I have found a new favourite toy that I want to share with you guys.  The SHOWHAS silcone pet water bottle. At the time of writing this we are having a heatwave, well for Britain anyway so I have yet again been on a search for…

Poppy and Pals

Dog Emotions and How To Spot Them

Whether you have just decided to get a new dog or you have had one for a while, one of the joys of dog ownership is getting to know their unique personality traits. Just like human beings, your pooch will go through various moods throughout the day, but you may struggle to pick up on…